Common Questions
You Ask. We Answer.
Where can I find All-State Ensemble Information?
The Montana All-State Ensembles are managed and hosted by the Montana High School Association (MHSA). MMEA hosts our annual conference at the same time to make it easier for our high school music teachers to attend both events. All All-State information can be found at mhsa.org
Why do I also have to be a member of NAfME in order to attend conference in the fall?
Your NAfME dues help us off-set the costs of conference. We are also able to bring in better professional development opportunities because of this affiliation.
I'm a new teacher (or an experienced one!) and attending conference is expensive! What can I do to help afford it?
Call a neighboring school district and carpool with another teacher (or see if there is a way you can ride their All-State student bus!). Contact any MMEA board member and they will help you find people who are willing to share the cost of transportation or a hotel room. Pay your NAfME dues in a different month than you pay for conference. Ask your school district if they can help with any professional development funds. If you have any other great ideas, let us know!
I'm lost! Where can I get information about (insert Montana Music Education question here)?
Email Sara Croghan at mmeacadenza@gmail.com. She will help you get in contact with someone who can help you!